Bolt Isolation Collar S/CO

Bolt Isolation Collar S/CO

£45.99 Inc VAT (20%)

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TICO S/CO Bolt Isolation Collars are used to prevent transmission of machine noise and vibration through the bolt to the surrounding area.
Key Features:

• Isolate bolts from a machine base.
• Minimum wall thickness of 3mm.

A bolt provides a direct transmission path for vibration from the machine to the floor, effectively short-circuiting the TICO pad. To prevent this, it is essential that the bolts are isolated from the machine base. This is achieved using TICO Bolt Isolation Collars.

Although the vast majority of machinery plant can be secured by TICO Pads and Adhesive, cases where bolts might be employed are where the centre of gravity falls outside the machine base as with an inclinable power press, radial drill, or where the centre of gravity is high.

In these applications, TICO Bolt Isolation S/CO Collars should also be used to prevent transmission of machine noise and vibration through the bolt to the surrounding area. It is recommended that the nuts not be over tightened so as to firmly locate the machine without applying further compression to the TICO Pads.

See full description

Feature Attributes

50 mm
Wall Thickness:
3 mm
Pack Quantity:

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