HFPR/L Inserts

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HFPR/L : Utility double-ended face machining inserts.

Grade : IC20
Used for semifinishing, finishing and semiroughing of aluminum, cast iron and stainless steel. An uncoated carbide grade.
ISO Range - P/M/K: (M10-M25)(K10-K20)
ISO Range - H/S/N: (H05-H15)(S05-S20)(N05-N25)
Grade or Coating Type: UN-COATED
Coating Layers: Uncoated

Grade : IC354
A thin PVD coated TiCN layer on a P40 substarte. High toughness. For general Applications in parting and grooving steel, alloy and stainless steel atmedium to high cutting speeds.
ISO Range - P/M/K: (P20-P40)(M10-M30)
Grade or Coating Type: PVD
Coating Layers: TiCN

Grade : IC808
A hard, fine grain substrate with excellent chipping resistance, combined with a new 'SUMO TEC' TiAlN PVD coating. Provides high wear resistance. Recommended for a very wide range of materials.
ISO Range - P/M/K: (P15-P30)(M20-M30)
ISO Range - H/S/N: (H10-H20)(S10-S25)
Grade or Coating Type: PVD
Coating Layers: TiAlN/AlTiN+TiN

Grade : IC328
A thin PVD coated TiCN layer on a P45-K40 substrate. Very high toughness. For milling, parting and grooving of steel, stainless and alloy steels at low to medium cutting speeds and for unstable machining conditions.
ISO Range - P/M/K: (P25-P40)(M30-M40)
ISO Range - H/S/N: (S20-S30)
Grade or Coating Type: PVD
Coating Layers: TiCN

Grade : IC9015
A hard substrate with a cobalt enriched layer, MTCVD TiCN and alpha Al2O3 CVD coating. Excellent thermal stability and resistance to chipping and plastic deformation. Recommended for high speed machining of steel at stable conditions.
ISO Range - P/M/K: (P10-P30)(K10-K15)
Grade or Coating Type: CVD
Coating Layers: TiCN+Al2O3+TiN

Grade : IC428
For wide range of applications, maching conditions and materials. For turning cast iron.
ISO Range - P/M/K: (P05-P15)(K05-K20)
ISO Range - H/S/N: (H15-H25)
Grade or Coating Type: CVD
Coating Layers: TiC+Al2O3

Grade : IC8250
A tough substrate with a cobalt enriched layer combined with MTCVD TiCN and a thick alpha Al2O3 CVD coating. Recommended for general use machining of steel in a wide range of conditions, featuring high toughness and wear resistance.
ISO Range - P/M/K: (P10-P35)(M05-M20)
Grade or Coating Type: CVD
Coating Layers: TiCN+Al2O3+TiN

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