Prochem Solvent Cleaner Additive is a concentrated additive of solvent soluble detergents, wetting agents and deodorisers designed to improve the cleaning of fabrics during solvent cleaning procedures. Solvent Cleaner Additive helps to remove water soluble soils which are not normally removed by upholstery cleaning solvents.
Features: - Solvent soluble detergent concentrate for upholstery fabric solvent cleaning applications. - Improves effectiveness of B137 Fine Fabric Solvent Cleaner for the removal of water-based soils. - Clear solvent with lemon deodoriser fragrance. - Mix 100 ml. per 5 litres B137 Fine Fabric Solvent Cleaner.
Directions - For professional and industrial use only. - Always refer to Safety Data Sheet before use. - Upholstery fabric solvent cleaning: Add 100ml Solvent Cleaner Additive per 5 litres of B137 Fine Fabric Solvent Cleaner. - Shake well to mix. Do not add more than the recommended amount. Apply according to B137 Fine Fabric Solvent Cleaner label directions. Ensure adequate ventilation, no smoking and prohibit people and pets from the cleaning area. Wear solvent resistant gloves, safety glasses and an approved organic solvent cartridge respirator when applying this product. - CAUTION: Solvent Cleaner Additive contains a moisture charge which may affect water sensitive fabrics. Always pre-test fabrics for colour fastness and texture change before proceeding.