Elevate your washroom experience with trusted and familiar Scott Control washroom solutions, designed to support washroom hygiene compliance control in the workplace. For increased hygiene in critical environments from one of the world's most trusted brands, choose Scott Control 2 ply toilet paper. A quality folded toilet tissue for where workplace hygiene and contamination control is a priority. Embossed Scott logo and patterns offer an enhanced appearance and feel to every sheet of toilet paper. Scott Control bulk toilet paper offers dispensing of single toilet paper sheets meaning you only touch the sheets you use helping maximise washroom hygiene and efficiency while minimising waste. Our touch free dispensers reduce the risk of cross contamination. Compatible with the Kimberly-Clark Professional ICON dispensing system (53949 and 53659) with interchangeable faceplate technology - available for rolled hand towel, skin care, and toilet paper dispensers found in the ICON collection. Also compatible with a variety of Kimberly-Clark toilet paper dispenser options: Aquarius commercial toilet paper dispensers in white or black (product codes 6946 and 7172), a high capacity folded toilet tissue dispenser (product code 6990) and a high image stainless steel dispenser (product code 8972). For environmental assurance, Scott Control single sheet toilet paper is made from 100% recycled fibres, is FSC certified, carries the European Ecolabel and has reliable flushability. 36 packs x 250 white, 2 ply sheets (9,000 sheets)
Please ensure to carry the product in a safe manner for the weight indicated on the packaging.
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