Aluminium cleaner and descaler. Industrial strength: an effective cleaner for fast removal of brake dust, oxidation and chemical corrosion on aluminium and
alloy wheels. Equally effective on steel wheels and plastic wheel trims.
An effective cleaner for fast removal of brake dust, oxidation and chemical corrosion on aluminium and alloy wheels. Equally effective on steel wheels and
plastic wheel trims
May be used concentrated or diluted with up to 5 parts of water. Brush the solution onto the surface thoroughly agitating, starting at the bottom. Allow up
to 10 minutes for the product to remove all soiling. Rinse off with water ( for stubborn tarnishing, contact time may be safely increased or product may be
used in hot water). This professional product will treat heavy duty oxidation but will not entirely remove deep pit marks where degree of oxidation is
severe. NOTE: THIS IS AN ACIDIC PRODUCT. Do not use on aircraft. Do not use on magnesium alloy wheels or on wheels that have been finished with a
decorative anodised effect. If in doubt seek manufacturer's advice. Keep off paintwork and never allow product to dry on.
-Composition An advanced blend of acids and surfactants specially formulated to clean and brighten aluminium and its alloys.
-Appearance Clear liquid
-Colour Colourless
-Density 1.10
-pH <1
-Fragrance Light acidic
-Stability Two years minimum in unopened containers at ambient temperature.
All surfactants contained in Enov Products meet the requirements of the EU Detergent Directive 2005 ? 2004/648/EC. This requires all surfactants to break
down both quickly and completely into harmless material such as CO2 and water.