Powered by the cutting-edge Snapdragon X Plus chipset, the Swift Go 14 AI offers incredible performance, efficiency and long battery life. Additionally, you get 16GB of RAM to handle all your multi-tasking needs, as well as a huge 1TB SSD to store all your apps, documents and media. The Snapdragon X Plus features Qualcomm's dedicated Hexagon NPU making it one of the most powerful laptops on the market for running AI apps. This certified Copilot+ PC Laptop gives you access to the latest Copilot features, including Recall, Live Captions, Windows Studio Effects and Cocreator.Unleash peak performance with LPDDR5X memory, designed for lightning-fast data speeds and superior multitasking on the latest devices. Experience the power of advanced technology.Your fingerprint is as unique as you are and is the ultimate non-replicable password. Embrace security at your fingertips, protecting against unauthorized access and safeguarding your personal data.Windows 11 provides a calm and creative space?where you can pursue your passion through a fresh experience. From a rejuvenated Start menu to new ways to connect to your favourite people, news, games and content.