GeneralPartSpec: MIL-DTL-38999
Sealing: Meets IP67
Shielding: Yes
ConnectorType: Circular
ConnectorStyle: Plug
MountingType: Cable
NumOfContacts: 56
ContactsSupplied: No
ContactStyle: Socket
ContactSize: 48#20,8#16
ContactMaterial: Copper Alloy
ContactPlating: 50 microinches Gold Plate
ContactMatingLife: 500
TerminationMethod: Crimp
CrimpWireGauge: 24,22,20,18,16
InsertArrangement: 44676
InsertMaterial: Hard Dielectric
ShellMaterial: Composite
ShellPlating: Olive Drab Chromate over Cadmium
ShellColor: Olive Drab
GrommetSealMaterial: Silicone
AmperageRating: 7.5A & 13A
OperatingVoltage_DC: 1800
OperatingVoltage_AC: 1800
OperatingTemperature: -85 to +347 (-65 to +175)
InsertRotationKeying: B