GeneralPartSpec: MIL-C-5015
RoHS_YN: Yes
Sealing: Meets IP67
Shielding: Yes
ConnectorType: Connector Circular
ConnectorStyle: Plug
MountingType: Cable
NumOfContacts: 14
ContactsSupplied: Yes
ContactStyle: Socket
ContactSize: 14#16
ContactMaterial: Copper alloy
ContactPlating: Gold over nickel
ContactMatingLife: 500
TerminationMethod: Crimp
CrimpWireGauge: 20, 18, 16
InsertArrangement: 20-27
InsertMaterial: Thermoplastic
ShellMaterial: Aluminum
ShellPlating: Electroless Nickel
ShellColor: Nickel
GrommetSealMaterial: Silicone
AmperageRating: 13A
OperatingTemperature: -67 to +392 (-55 to +200)