This Versaflo™ Battery Charger is designed to make it more convenient for users to charge their battery for the powered air respirators in just less than 4 hours. This battery charger has a visible lamp for a clear indication of the charging status.
Features and Benefits
• This battery charger is ideal for TR-630 standard battery or TR-632 high-capacity battery
• Designed to be quick and easy for the user to charge their battery in just less than 4 hours
• Consists of four TR-640 cradles, a baseplate, power supply and lead
• The battery can be stored on the charger or fully charged, making it ideal for immediate use
Typical Applications
• Ideal for TR-630 standard battery or TR-632 high-capacity battery
• For use with 3M™ Versaflo™ Powered Air Turbo TR-600 Series