Cougartron brush assembly for cleaning welds and surfaces with four brushes simultaneously. The assembly can be used for surface cleaning on large stainless-steel structures.
A complete assembly for cleaning with four brushes* simultaneously.
The Cougartron Four Brush Set is ideal for cleaning surface rust and other contaminants off of the stainless steel surface.
We recommend using the set with Cougartron ProPlus, FURY 100 or FURY 200 weld cleaners that have enough power to efficiently support the use of 4 brushes at once.
The assembly consists of:
FURY Wand – WELC2547
Quad brush adapter – WELC2010
Quad Brush Twisting Shroud – WELC2573
Superbrush – WELC3146
It is recommended to replace the adaptor immediately if you spot any signs of damage.
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